
Our angels never rest!

On Monday, Ed was experiencing leg pain and numbness and thought it was the return of the sciatic nerve problem he had last year. He wanted to wait it out to see if it would ease but, as the hours passed, it seemed to get worse. He called the doctor and was set up for an appointment that day at 3:30. As soon as the doctor saw his leg and felt the coolness of it – he sent us right to the emergency room.

The initial test ruled out a blood clot in the vein, so they kept him overnight and did another test in the morning. That test showed there was blockage in his iliac artery. They wouldn’t know if it was a blood clot or hardening of the artery until they operated. He went into surgery at 4:00 pm and around 8:30 we were told it was a clot and they removed it. We were thankful for that because if it was hardening of the artery they would have had to either put in a stent, or do a bypass.

He has been in the ICU and doing ok. They were planning on moving him to a regular room today. The main thing now is to get the blood back to the right levels.