Happy Mother’s Day
I’m writing in the journal from my new MacBook. My very own laptop from Tim and Kim for Mother’s Day. There are so many things to do in here that I feel like a kid on Christmas morning with a new toy. Now Ed can play his games, do his email and pay bills without me bugging him to get in the computer.
We had such a nice day together on Saturday. After eating at the new restaurant, T.D. Homer’s, surrounded by T.V’s covering every inch of the walls, one in every booth, and even in the bathrooms, we went back to the condo. Tim brought a bag of keyboards to see if one would connect to my work laptop. After he tried several of them he asked me to grab the last one out of the bag. It was covered with paper and when I picked it up, the note said Happy Mother’s Day, Love Tim and Kim. I didn’t realize it was a new laptop, I thought it was a new monitor to hook up to my work laptop. Silly me…. told you my eyes were bothering me. Then when I knew what it was I was so excited and couldn’t wait to get it powered up.
Tim is always so good with all of this stuff. It would take months before I could get it up and running and actually be able to do things.
Thank you, Tim and Kim, for a wonderful Mother’s Day and for making me feel so special.
My first attempt is the journal to see if I can attach the pictures we took last night of the four of us. Thought all of you would like to see updated pictures.
Love and Happy Mother’s Day