Sisters Trip, Brother Bob, Pictures and Updates
We had such a great time when the sisters came into town. Joan, Linda, Kris and Kathy arrived in town on Saturday and we sat around eating, drinking and catching up on family. Sunday we had dinner at Tim and Kim’s and were joined by Mike and Rosanne. Later that night we enjoyed the entertainment supplied by Rock Band with Tim on drums, Kim on guitar and vocals along with Joan, Kris, Linda, Kathy and Mike on vocals. It was a fun evening.
Monday we took off for Boston and spent the day riding the trolley and visiting the sites. Tuesday on to Foxwoods Casino and more fun. Wednesday the sisters contributed more money to the casino by visiting the Mohegan Casino. Much too soon, it was Thursday and they were on their way home.
During the visit we had a call that Brother Bob was in ICU with breathing problems. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and in the hospital about 10 days and just recently moved to ManorCare for additional treatment with antibiotics. He is doing much better and hopes to be home within a week or two.
Here are a few pictures to enjoy