
They will be keeping Ed another day to get his blood level back to where it needs to be.  

When the doctor told him yesterday that he would be going home – I was very upset but didn’t want to ask questions with Ed there.  Came home and called the doctor’s office and was able to talk to him for a while.  I told him my concern was Ed would come home and the same thing would happen.  His reply was “yes, it probably will.”

He said they are stumped and without being able to do the biopsy, all they can do is send him home.  He does want us to see oncologists next week and he will set up the appointment for us.  They will review all the tests and history and possibly do their own tests.  He said if the fever/chills/pain come back before then – to come to the ER and they’ll scan to see if the lymph nodes are swollen again and then try a biopsy.

I questioned why they don’t just go ahead and do the full body scan that they originally planned.  He said they don’t feel it is an infection – they have pretty much ruled that out.

He is still feeling okay and pretty upbeat about the entire situation.  Since we’ve been through this so many times before, we know the best thing is to wait for an answer and then move forward to deal with whatever it is.  The waiting and roller coaster ride is the worst part.