Ed is Home

Where do I begin??

First, Ed is home and he has already kissed his recliner, the remote and the computer.

His blood level still wasn’t where they wanted it to be but the doctor felt he can handle adjusting it at home.  There still are no answers and Dr. Zweig (our pc dr) saw him this morning and does not feel there is a need to see an oncologist.  Without the biopsy or any other indications of cancer – there is no reason for it.  He said whatever is going on is definitely ‘bizarre.’  I asked why the weight loss and he said it’s due to being in the hospital and also taking lasix (water pill).  We will see Dr. Zweig on Wednesday and he said he will want to do another CT scan to check the lymph nodes in a week or two.

We’ll keep close watch on his weight and also his temperature.  If the temp starts going up again – we will be calling the doctor right away.  I know everyone is as frustrated as we are with the back & forth comments from the doctors.

For now, he has a less jumbled mind filled with cancer thoughts and that’s the way we want it.