More On Ed

Monday was a little better day after many blood and platelet transfusions.  They need to get him stabilized before trying to do any type of test and today his counts were moving upward.  After a CT scan this morning they feel the bleeding is coming from his colon.  The surgeon talked to him and said they are hoping the bleeding will stop on its own after the transfusions and that is exactly what happened the last time he had the bleeding.  He said if his blood pressure drops and his heart rate increases that is a sign of major bleeding and he would need to do surgery – possibly removing his colon.  We aren't at that point and hope it never does come to that.  Ed is such a strong guy and has come through so much already.

Once they can do tests and find the cause of the bleeding – we'll know more about what we're facing.  I know without asking that there are many prayers coming his way…. and we thank you.