Not Home Yet
Even though Ed is doing well as far as the surgery, he needed two units of blood today. He has always been anemic, so this wasn't upsetting, or a surprise. After some of his chemo treatments he needed transfusions and he tolerated those well.
They're watching him closely and continue to get him up and walking around.
He's able to handle all of that quite well, except for trying to get into the 'car' they have in the physical therapy room. It teaches them how to sit in first and swing their legs around…. so much easier said than done. He really struggled with that and couldn't do it, but they told him he passed all his other tests. I watched him in physical therapy and wondered how they expected him to bend his leg to get in the car, when it's wrapped like a mummy.
We'll see what Wednesday brings and if it means he will come home.