On His Way Home

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Ed should be on his way home.  So much confusion, even with a discharge, but soon it will be over.

After PT the surgeons assistant, we saw last week, called to see how he was doing and was surprised he was still there. Apparently she then called the supervisor in PT and within 15 minutes they were talking about him going home.  I left to get things ready at home and he called saying the social worker came in to have him sign papers.  Wouldn't you assume they were discharge papers…… nope, they were admission papers.  He never even signed those – what a mess.  So glad he'll be coming home.

Just had my feet up when I got a call from our neighbor upstairs.  She's been so good to us and is the one who loaned her walkers to Ed.  She was in tears saying she hurt her knee and couldn't move.  I went up with an ice bag in hand but knew there wasn't much I could do to help.  She couldn't even stand, so getting her to her car was impossible.  Calmed her down and convinced her she needed to go to the ER – she was in so much pain.  They arrived quickly, got her on the stretcher and off she went. Wish I could have done more, but glad I was able to be with her when she needed someone.

Once I get Ed home I promise not to post every day, but do want to say how much your comments mean to us.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers.  Just knowing you are all there for us whenever we need you is a comfort and has helped us through many tough times.