Our Trip

On May 5th we ventured out on our 3 week whirlwind vacation. The evening before, we had dinner with Tim and Kim at Buffalo Wild Wings which was near the hotel we were staying at overnight. Kim pointed to the window behind me and said “look at the rainbow.” Sure enough there was a beautiful rainbow!
The perfect way to start our trip.

The next morning we were up bright and early for our flight to Orlando and Disney World.

My beautiful flowers and butterfly for Mother’s Day from Tim and Kim.

Next we were off to Port St. Lucie in Florida to visit my friend Risa and her husband, Jim. I worked with Risa when I first came to CT.

Linda and Risa

After two days with Risa, we were on the plane for St. Louis and a visit with my sister, Shirley and her husband, Jim.

Shirley, Jim and Linda
Having fun and donating our money to the casino

On Sunday we went to visit with Lynne and Dianne. Lynne is the daughter of Shirley. We also got to spend time with Lynne’s daughters Sara and Brittany and their little ones, Cruise, Christopher and Forrest.

Monday we left for a 3 day stay at the condo, with Shirley & Jim, at the Lake of the Ozarks. It was such a beautiful and peaceful time and we had lots of laughs playing Chicken Foot.

Relaxing on the deck
Playing Chicken Foot – Ed’s new favorite game

We are now on our way to Pittsburgh. Once there we rented a car and traveled to visit family and friends.

Our first stop was to see Joan and Rege. I must apologize here because we have only one photo, and a movie of our time with them. Joan made a fabulous meatloaf that Ed enjoyed the next day in the hotel. Speaking of the hotel – we lost power on our last night there. Joan came to spend some time with us since she didn’t live far from the hotel and when she left she and Ed ended up getting stuck in the elevator when the power went out. Luckily Ed remained calm and was able to open the door enough for them to get out.

From what we’ve heard….. Ed is her new hero!

Next we went to visit my brother, Bruce and his wife, Jody. As always, Jody outdid herself with the food she made. We also got to see Jennifer and her husband, Don and their kids Ashlie and Austin. We had a nice time sitting around and talking.

We were so happy to see our dear friends, Paul and Georgetta. I worked with Georgetta for many years at Children’s Palace and later found out that she went to high school with my sister, Shirley. It sure is a small world.

Now on to visit with Kris, Jerry, Kathy and Bri. It was so good to see Kris looking so well and having a joy that fills the room and makes everyone feel comfortable. She never complains and takes on each treatment, discomfort, pain and fatigue with the same positive attitude she’s always had.

Next stop is our visit with the Lynch’s….. Bob, Jan, Dan, Diane, Becca, Zac, Luke – as well as Paula and her children, Megan and Michael. Had a great time relaxing, enjoying the company and the good food.

Luke, Becca, Jan, Michael/Paula (hidden in back) Megan, Me, Ed, Zac & Dan
Dan, Ed and Bob
Diane and the backyard turtle

Having breakfast with sister Linda. It was nice to spend time with Linda and catch up on her life. She is doing ok and keeping busy with her job and all her grandchildren.

Thrilled to be able to see our nephew Dave (the new groom) and his bride, Jaime. We were able to spend some time at their new home and got to meet their baby….. Bella (a puppy)

Jody, Jaime, Dave and Bruce

So… that is it! We accomplished a lot during our 3 week tour but still didn’t get to see and do all that we wanted to. Ed is working on putting together his movie for everyone to enjoy.