Prayers for Ed

Ed was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday after having more episodes of fever and chills. They immediately did more blood tests, x-rays and other tests to once again try and figure out the source of the infection. After doing a CT scan on Thursday they found that he has swollen lymph nodes in his stomach. It appears this has been the cause of all of his problems and even the back pain he has had for a while. He did have some tenderness in his right side and that was the reason for doing the CT scan. Thankfully they did and now we know the reason for what has been going on.

All of this happened while we were enjoying the sisters annual trip to CT. We were able to have fun together and even made it to the casino but Ed just wasn't able to keep up. He had fever/chills off and on and then would have times when he felt okay and wanted to do things.

We tried denying what the doctors were telling us but when one of them asked if the oncology doctors were in to talk to Ed – we were faced with the truth. At this point we know nothing more than swollen lymph nodes. Monday they'll do a biopsy and it will take about a week for results and then we'll know what we are dealing with.

I know how hard it is for so many of you to be far away and not knowing all that is going on but I will try and keep this journal updated as often as I can. Right now the fever has been under control and he was even up and out for a little walk down the hall. We haven't talked much about what is happening – we need to know more before we go into this fight together.

As always, Tim and Kim have been with us every step of the way and doing all they can. For me, it is important that I get my rest so I can take care of whatever is coming our way. I've learned that I need to take care of me…. to take care of him.

It's hard to find words to thank everyone for all of the love, support and prayers that I know are out there. A special thank you to Traci, Nancy (her mom) and Andrew for sending over all the food. We took some of the fruit bars to the hospital and Ed told us he could hear the nurses lips smacking as they were gobbling them up and wondering where they came from. Yesterday we took in a few more for them to enjoy and I'm sure Ed is getting very special treatment now….. he deserves it!