Great News

Ed had the scan this morning and by the time we got home the doctor’s office called to say they had the results and he wanted to talk to us.  They also said it was good news – we had no idea what that meant.

The PET scan showed the lymph nodes were back to normal again – and there was absolutely no sign of cancer anywhere.  Dr. Zweig just kept shaking his head and said “in 30 years, I’ve never seen anything like it.”  If there was any cancer in his body – it would have shown in the scan.   The doctor and the radiologist would have bet their lives that is was lymphoma but….. they don’t know our Eddie.

He has no idea what is causing the fever/chills and lymph node phenomenon but he said there is something definitely triggering these episodes.  Tomorrow (Wed) he is having another blood test done – called a PCR test – and that will go to the Mayo Clinic for testing. This apparently tests for obscure types of a virus in the blood, lime disease and various other issues.

The doctor will be on vacation next week so we don’t anticipate hearing any results until he returns.

We can’t thank each and every one of you enough for your prayers.  They are powerful and this time they’ve performed a miracle.