Update on Kim
They had her scheduled for surgery to remove the appendix but when Dr. Zweig came in he didn't feel that it was needed. He is an incredible doctor and he wanted to talk to the surgeon first, before they went ahead with surgery. We waited about an hour and found out they canceled the surgery and she will be coming home with antibiotics and pain meds. When Kim was telling Dr. Zweig about the pain in her left side and then her right side – he said it was unusual to have two things going on at the same time. Wait…. she's a Lynch now!
Rosanne and I were there listening to everything the doctors were saying and it was funny to see Dr. Zweig walk in and look around at all of us – he was probably thinking…. hey, I know you, and you, and you and you!
They should be on their way home soon and both will be sleeping shortly after getting through their front door. They've been up all night in the ER and Rosanne will be taking a nap, too. It all involves a baby squirrel that had her and Mike up all night. That is a story for when the sisters visit.
Thank you to everyone for thinking of Kim and keeping her in your prayers. Right now it's just a matter of watching and waiting to see what happens. They do feel that the kidney stone is the reason for her pain and discomfort.