Hello everyone, It's been quite a while since I've been here typing updates and asking for prayers, which is a good thing! Need to get my fingers nimble to keep everyone informed as to Ed's upcoming surgery. He's been putting off getting his knees replaced, and who could blame him, but he's at the point where it needs done. We met with the surgeon, Dr. Murray, the beginning of September and he's gone through all…
Hello to all who read my journal. It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted and wanted to let everyone know what’s been going on – plus the journal has been a great way for me to keep track of dates. On December 14th I had a mammogram that showed a few suspicious spots and was told it was probably calcification. Two options, wait 6 months and redo the mammogram or have a biopsy. With…
So, here I am at the end of my year long journey and I’m not quite sure what to do. Should I scream, shout, laugh, cry, dance, cheer or in the words sung by Sia…. swing from the chandelier? It’s been a very emotional day and I’ve cried more today than I have during this entire time. Those who have gone through a traumatic event in their lives know what I mean and when it…
On Tuesday, June 7th, I'll continue with the radiation treatments but will only be getting four more instead of the remaining eight. The doctor decided it was not worth the risk of doing more harm to my skin by doing all eight. As he described it – I had a rip roarin burn! It's healing and should do ok since the dose of radiation will be less and there won't be as many treatments. I've…
Friday, the doctor decided to hold off on doing the final eight radiation treatments. The burns on my chest and under my arm are peeling, leaving the skin raw and painful. I'll see the doctor on Friday and he'll let me know if I'm healed enough to continue.
With 16 radiation treatments left, I'm making my way to the end of this and will soon be called a 'Survivor.' It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a village to walk with those fighting cancer. It always seemed when I was at my lowest…. a beautiful card, gift or email would arrive to bring a smile to my face. All the loving words expressed by family and friends continued to…
Friday will be mark one week complete and everything is going well. I’ve not noticed any difference in how I feel or how my skin looks after being zapped. I have to share a very special count-down calendar that I received today from my BFF, Risa. She’s been my dear friend since my first day of work in CT. We have a strong ‘sister’ connection that exists even from hundreds of miles away. MY VERY…
My first radiation treatment went well and other than having to stay in one position for 25-30 minutes, it was a piece of cake. I knew they were doing x-rays first but I didn't know they were also doing the radiation. I kept asking if I was done since it seemed like an awful lot of x-raying going on. She came in the room and helped me off the table and said I could get…
Back to posting in the journal after taking a few weeks off to focus on getting stronger. Looking back on how many months this has been is overwhelming and, sometimes, hard to believe. I still have a ways to go with radiation but, I feel the worst part is over. Never realized how important eyelashes are for many reasons…. one, they keep tiny flecks of everything from falling into your eyes and…. two, they help…
Tuesday was my very last treatment and everything went well once again. It seemed like that day would never get here but with the love I felt from everyone, I made it! Tim took a video of me ringing the bell and reading the verse my sister, Shirley, sent to me. The bell is from the movie The Polar Express that reminds us all that we should always believe. Since I was blubbering a little,…