The Room

Ed is settled in his new room… he is in room 8910 for anyone interested in playing their State lottery.

Today was a very good day and he continues to show great improvement. When we got to the hospital this morning, he was already sitting up in a chair. Around 11:00am, he was taking his first walk in the hallway – can you believe it?

The next couple of days will be tough since he has to cough and clear out fluids that build up in his lungs. As you can imagine, the pain must be terrible as you contract your muscles around the ribcage that was just split open 24hrs earlier. He was given a little red pillow that he clutches to his chest that helps him when he coughs.

He was nibbling on ice chips in the morning but at lunch, he had soup, jello and some cranberry juice — mmmmmm, much better than ice chips. It’s just amazing that he could be sitting up and eating 24 hours after having open heart surgery.

Thanks to the people who sent email cards to the hospital today… he received them all and says, “Thank You”.

We all hope he continues to do as well as he has this past day. He already said he wants to go home already but he knows he’ll be there for a few more days at least.

He looks really good and was awake during the day. He was even able to analyze his football picks for the weekend and told me what to do. I think he’s going to do just fine…