Ed Is Home

They discharged him this morning and he was home by noon. Kim kept him company until I got there with his clothes. He is feeling ok and has been up and around and even sat outside while I watered the flowers. What a beautiful day it was today. The staples will come out on Thursday and he should be back to ‘normal’ after that. The fever seems to be going away by itself, much like the last time he had surgery. The only thing that is bothering him is the smoke that is coming from the woman downstairs. She works from home and never leaves the condo except at night to go out and buy more cigarettes. She must smoke all day long. Our heating/air conditioning guys are coming on Thursday to give us an estimate on adding an air purifier to our unit.

Right now he is relaxing in his recliner playing our favorite Wii game on the TV – Animal Crossing.

Our neighbor, Janet, went home from the hospital Saturday night, but was back in the ER Sunday morning. She was having trouble breathing and was having chest pains. This time she ended up on the same floor as Ed, just 4 doors down the hall.

Tim and Kim are coming over to bring the food we stored in their frig/freezer. It is so good to have power once again.

Prayers work!