Ed’s Checkup

The three month visit today with Dr. Siegel was a positive one.  His blood work numbers came back with every asterisk inside the column – which means all the blood counts were in the normal range.   An asterisk to the left of the column is too low and an asterisk to the right of the column is too high…. his were all inside!  The bone marrow is working and doing its job once again. The one concern was the weight he's been losing – it's not a lot, but he's down to 218 which is really low for him.  Dr. Siegel didn't seem phased by it at all, so we aren't going to worry.  If it continues to drop, we will definitely get in touch with him.

When Dr. Siegel first came through the door he looked at Ed and said "nice do!"  His hair is coming back and is dark as it was before with some, but very little, gray.
He vows he's not going to cut it ever again – but we will see how long that lasts.

We're grateful for the following of so many people during this long year and we know the power of prayer.  It's time for us to let loose and find fun things to do.
Thanks to everyone for all that you've done for us.