Football Picks
I always call him in the morning, but this time when he didn’t answer, I figured it was too difficult for him to pick up the phone. I called his nurse and she was in his room and said he was doing ok. I could hear him talking (mumbling) in the background, and I felt better.
Tim picked me up early to get to the hospital and we spent the entire day with him. He wanted to know about his football picks, so Tim went over them with him. Even though he loves football, he wasn’t able to see much of the games. It was another day of watching him go from being out of it, to waking up and talking to his friend Gil. He even was awake when Kim’s cousin, Michael, came to visit.

It’s always so hard to walk out that door and leave him in the room. He knows how much everyone loves him, and we tell him that every day. We are thankful he is not in any pain and they are taking such good care of him.
We are looking to hear additional information tomorrow on what we need to do to get him home.
Thank you for all the prayers and we will never give up on Our Eddie!