Coming Home

All the plans are in place to bring him home Wednesday.  He would be going home Tuesday except for  the snow and ice that is coming tonight and through most of the day tomorrow.  I’ll be staying the night since it probably will be impossible to get here.  Again, he was very alert when we first came in this morning but went back to sleeping, off and on, most of the day.

The doctor said they were going to start his blood thinner around 4:00 pm and watch for signs of bleeding. His blood count is staying in a good range and that was good to hear, so no transfusion is needed.

Then we talked to hospice and things changed. She asked how we felt about starting the blood thinner and we said we were afraid of him bleeding again. She said that is most likely what will happen and they wouldn’t be able to do any type of surgery since his blood would be too thin. They would talk to Ed and let him know all that’s going on, because he has a right to know. They explained all about hospice and how it will work and it was up to him if he agreed to not start the blood thinner. He agreed and, probably for the first time, understood everything that is happening to him. They were so gentle and it has to be tough for them to give that kind of news. He was ok and said he is tired, and he is ready.

Tim and Kim have been here all the time and Tim went to the apartment to move furniture and get ready for Wednesday. He even vacuumed and dusted….. I have no words.

We’re sure everyone, in our building, will be lined up at the door to visit with Ed, they all love him.

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