Good News and Not So Good News

So happy to know that everything is ok with our Kimberly. She had no doubt she would be ok, but I don’t think any of us had those same feelings. Guess we are just old folks that worry about everything, and think the worst. We can all relax now.
As far as the news for Ed, it wasn’t as good. We were prepared to hear that his heart valve needs replaced, but we weren’t ready to hear the extent of the blockage of his carotid artery. We both were at a loss for words when the doctor said it was 100% blocked. How could that happen? The anger didn’t hit me until later that day when I sat and thought about all the news we had just received. I know the road ahead is a long one, and one we have been down before. The difference is that 34 years ago we were much younger, with no fears, no thoughts of death… it couldn’t happen – we had a family to raise.
Kim’s brother Patrick will marry Ali on Ed’s 60th birthday this year. I’ve been teasing him that this is also his birthday celebration – so he better enjoy it. Not sure what I’m going to actually do to celebrate this milestone, but I know it’s an important one for him for many reasons. The surgery he faces, and his dad died when he was 60.
Had Ed’s sisters here for a long weekend, and after they were gone Ed said it was like a hurricane went through. I don’t know how they keep up the pace. They are always on the go – and I’m exhausted trying to keep up with them. We all had a nice visit with Tim, Kim, and Kim’s parents at Tim/Kim’s house. Each time I drive up to that house, I feel so proud and still can’t believe it belongs to them. They certainly have worked hard to make it a beautiful home, and a peaceful place to visit.