Ed-2nd Open Heart

Seems impossible that Ed will be facing open heart surgery for the second time in his life. Guess I really never thought he would go through with the operation when the possibility was presented to him. He always said he would never go through it again… the pain is something you definitely never forget.
It all started with the blood clot in his eye and escalated into having the aorta valve replaced. We both knew this time would come since the valve had already outlasted it’s expected 10-20 years. Hard to imagine that an artificial valve has kept him alive for 35 years. We have a long way to go to get to the time when he will feel good again – but we’ve done it before and we will do it again. We have such wonderful family and friends, and that helps more than they can imagine.
We had a nice breakfast with Tim and Kim on Saturday and then came back to the house. It was such fun playing games, and telling stories. Then we had dinner with Kim’s parents, and her aunt and uncle. We stayed until 10:00 and enjoyed just sitting around talking.
Ed has had his ups and downs these last several days, but over all his attitude is good. He knows it’s going to be a long haul, but he is willing to take a chance at getting better. He will never be a healthy man, but the doctors may be able to give him a little better quality of life.

We have so much to look forward to – and I want him to be here to enjoy the coming years with me.