A Pig and A Bowl

Kim and I took a trip to a local ceramic shop with expectations of creating the most awesome piggy bank and yarn bowl. Kim wanted to paint her piggy bank featuring Mickey Mouse to save for their next Disney vacation. I spied a yarn bowl that is unique, in that it holds a ball of yarn to make it easier as you knit or crochet. My grandiose idea was to make a rainbow swirling around…

My Sisters-In-Love

Another great visit with Ed’s sisters, but it felt like they were here and gone in the blink of an eye. It was wonderful to share hugs, catch up on family stories, play cards, eat, drink and laugh. Tim and Kim always add to the enjoyment and keep the party going. The hard part was watching them walk out the door and on their way home….. knowing it could possibly be their last visit.

On Their Way

Looking forward to seeing Joan, Linda, Kris and Kathy. Every year they’ve made a trip to CT to spend time with us and share laughter, tears, games, drinks and memories. Covid kept them away just one year and last year they came to say goodbye to Ed. More pictures to follow.

Missing My Eddie

How do you begin to explain the emptiness and loneliness that comes with losing someone you love? It’s only been a few days since Ed earned his wings and I’m wandering around aimlessly, trying to figure out what to do. Each morning we shared coffee and talked about what was on the agenda for the day. It usually included eating breakfast at our favorite restaurant and then off to some appointment. We tried getting out…

Broken Heart

Ed was always so strong and came back to us from many surgeries, illnesses and even cancer, but this was too much for him.  My heart is broken and as I sit here, I can’t believe I won’t ever be hugging him again. On Monday, I knew he was getting ready to leave us and said, many times, he was tired and done fighting. Some of you may not have known that he was diagnosed…

Coming Home

All the plans are in place to bring him home Wednesday.  He would be going home Tuesday except for  the snow and ice that is coming tonight and through most of the day tomorrow.  I’ll be staying the night since it probably will be impossible to get here.  Again, he was very alert when we first came in this morning but went back to sleeping, off and on, most of the day. The doctor said…

Football Picks

I always call him in the morning, but this time when he didn’t answer, I figured it was too difficult for him to pick up the phone.  I called his nurse and she was in his room and said he was doing ok.  I could hear him talking (mumbling) in the background, and I felt better. Tim picked me up early to get to the hospital and we spent the entire day with him. He…